One of our competitive advantages beside our Art Portal application, is the possibility to assure you the quality of your orders with extensive design controls. What does it mean? Two designers in charge of one order: the Producer and the Team Leader that checks the quality of the final art.
Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in our artworks and avoiding problems when we deliver all our services to customers.
For us, the QA step is really important. Besides some companies have internal quality control, adding our own, give them the chance of avoiding risks at the moment of printing the designs. Four eyers are more powerful than just two.
In case of any mistakes, the Team Leader has the possibility of return the art to the Producer indicating the corrections that are needed. The producer makes the changes and resubmits the file to be corrected again. This can be done as much times as is needed until the art is ready to be seeing by the client.
Also, if you are not fully satisfied with the results, this step is recreated again, but this time with the corrections. Test our services! You won’t regret!
We have the most competitive prices of the market.
For more information about us visit our website